Test area: Trip test

The trip test allows you to check the operation of the opening solenoid. The purpose of the test is to check that the circuit-breaker switches from closed to open after a tripping command.
Start trip test
DANGER! Risk of electric shock. Make sure that the circuit-breaker is closed but not under service conditions before performing the test.
  1. With the device connected and communicating with Ekip Connect, click on Tools > Test area.
  2. If required, create or select the session in which to perform the test (Create a test session)
  3. Click on Run trip test.
  4. After reading the message in the Warning window, if all the conditions have been met, click on Next: the trip command is sent to the opening solenoid. A window requesting a test result notification will open at the end of the test:
  5. If tripping has occurred (the opening solenoid tripped and the circuit-breaker opened), click on Yes. Otherwise, click on No: the result of the test notified in this way is shown in the report that can be viewed on the main test page (What it looks like).